Friday, December 6, 2019

Pack Break: 2019 Topps Opening Day Target Exclusive Red Parallels

Ah, it just seems like the other day was the beginning of the 2019 MLB season. Shortly after the season kicked off, collectors such as myself, were out scavenging their local Target stores looking for the blasters that had the exclusive 7 card pack of red parallels.

While cleaning up the stacks of cards, packs and boxes piled up beside my sofa (that's my favorite place to rip cards) I found said pack so I'll finally show off the contents. Nothing too excited (for me) so all of these will be added to my trade lists over at The Trading Card Database.

I really love the foil colored parallels from all of Topps 2019 products. The red parallels look especially nice for Braves players, but sadly I never chased many of them when they seemed to be more plentiful and trading hands. I've got them all on my TCDB want list so hopefully someone will come along and be willing to trade me.


  1. Somehow I missed the red parallels from OD the first time around. Those look pretty sharp. They're especially nice when paired with teams like the Phillies and Nats, who have red as one of their lead colors.

  2. I remember seeing these... but gotta admit I completely forgot about them. They're beautiful though.

  3. It was a great year for parallels.

    It was a not-so-great year for Opening Day, in my opinion. In 2018, a solid 1/3 of the set was unique images vs. the S1/S2 counterparts. In 2019, I have yet to detect one, though still with some set sorting to go.
