Santa was pretty good to me this year. Cardboard wise I ended up with more baseball cards than I ever thought I would. Sure - I asked for some boxes and told me wife that packs make good stock stuffers, but I really didn't expect much.
On Friday, Christmas Eve we drove up to Stanley, NC to visit my grandmother and my bio-mom as I call her. In addition to some Blu-ray DVDs and a few Xbox 360 games I ended up w/ a box of 2007 Upper Deck Series 2. I had asked for a box of 2002 Upper Deck, but the Amazon seller sent the wrong box. It's OK though as I really like the '07 design and may build the set later on down the road.
Christmas morning brought me my first ever jumbo box of Topps! I got a hobby box of 2008 Topps Series 1 since I'm working on building the set. At the time of this post I've only opened one pack as I'm trying to stretch the fun...that and I've got some serious cataloging to do! My wife got me one of those discounted blasters of 2008 Upper Deck Masterpieces. Wow, why did I never bother with these cards before? They are beautiful! Guess there is another set I'll go after. Check the sidebar shortly for my want list if you have any extra base cards.
Speaking of cataloging I also got several packs of 2010 Topps Series 2 and Update Series along with a few Update blasters. 99% of the cards from these packs were all doubles and my trade list has already been updated with these cards. If ANYONE out there can use some base 2010 Topps cards please let me know and they are all yours!
I plan to post box breaks later on so stay tuned! Now you know what Santa brought me. Leave a comment and let me know what you got cardboard wise.
Blogging about baseball cards, the Atlanta Braves, Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Hornets and trading cards/sports in general.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Luke 2:9-12
And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. (10) And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. (11) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (12) And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”
Merry Christmas to everyone. Let's always remember that He is the real reason for the season.
And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. (10) And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. (11) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (12) And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”
Merry Christmas to everyone. Let's always remember that He is the real reason for the season.
Friday, December 24, 2010
My Kind of Christmas Card!
I love random acts of kindness. What I mean by that is when something fantastic happens when you least expect it. I believe everyone on my wife's side of the family sends out Christmas cards as the last few weeks our mailbox has been chocked full of 'em. A few days ago however I pulled an envelope out of the mailbox that had a return address that I didn't recognize. Upon opening said envelope there was a Christmas card inside that housed a nice little stack of vintage Braves baseball cards! Larry of Emerald City Diamond Gems was very gracious enough to send me some cardboard cheer this holiday season. Outside of some early to mid 70's cards I haven't really many "vintage" Braves cards in my collection so it was very cool that he sent me cards older than me! Here are a few the cards that were inside the card:
There are a few more, but Photobucket all the sudden decided it didn't want to upload any more of my photos! Thanks Larry! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
There are a few more, but Photobucket all the sudden decided it didn't want to upload any more of my photos! Thanks Larry! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Explosive Cheese?!
While finishing up our Christmas shopping the other day I noticed a blaster box of the new Bowman Platinum on the shelf @ Walmart so I grabbed it. This of course was before I got my salary reducing letter the other day. Anyhow - with Heyward on the front it was hard to resist trying the new product out so off it went into the shopping cart. Upon getting home and opening up the packs I ran across this card particular card of Brett Mooneyham of the collegiate national team.
Not knowing anything about the player I quickly scanned the back of his card. About half way through the card's paragraph I read the following sentence - " With his big, durable frame and explosive cheese, Brett appears headed that way himself... ".
The reference is to his father who was a draft pick in 1980. For the love of baseball though will someone please tell me what explosive cheese means!! I have to admit that I laughed out loud after reading the back of this card and then I read it to my wife to ask her what she thought it meant. Like me she was clueless too...that is why I'm coming you - the fellow collector and baseball fan. Please comment and share your opinion on what you think Topps meant by the phrase explosive cheese.
Not knowing anything about the player I quickly scanned the back of his card. About half way through the card's paragraph I read the following sentence - " With his big, durable frame and explosive cheese, Brett appears headed that way himself... ".
The reference is to his father who was a draft pick in 1980. For the love of baseball though will someone please tell me what explosive cheese means!! I have to admit that I laughed out loud after reading the back of this card and then I read it to my wife to ask her what she thought it meant. Like me she was clueless too...that is why I'm coming you - the fellow collector and baseball fan. Please comment and share your opinion on what you think Topps meant by the phrase explosive cheese.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Transformers Seacon Tech Spec Cards
If you don't know by now I also run a toy blog since I'm a avid Transformers and action figure collector. Being a card collector as well I'm always excited when the two hobbies collide. This post is one of those moments when the action figure geek leaks over to the card blog. We'll return to our normal sports related posts shortly!
I finally got off my duff a few days ago and had my BigBadToyStore (BBTS) Pile of Loot shipped and the "new" G1 reissue of the Seacons is now finally in my hands. I knew from the early pictures that the set came w/ a trading card sized tech spec of Piranacon himself, but I had no idea Hasbro included cards of the 6 individual team members! Being a trading card collector I love it when the tech specs come in the form of trading cards. I been known to buy the Japanese versions of Transformers just for the card(s) alone! Yes, I'm that crazy. Well I just wanted to share the cards with everyone today. Perhaps in the future I'll do a review for Piranacon for my other blog, but for the mean time enjoy the scans of the tech spec cards.
It's hard to tell from the scans, but in the upper right corner of each card is purple foil with the words "G1 Commemorative". Too bad all of Hasbro's TF product doesn't come w/ tech spec cards as these are very nicely done.
I finally got off my duff a few days ago and had my BigBadToyStore (BBTS) Pile of Loot shipped and the "new" G1 reissue of the Seacons is now finally in my hands. I knew from the early pictures that the set came w/ a trading card sized tech spec of Piranacon himself, but I had no idea Hasbro included cards of the 6 individual team members! Being a trading card collector I love it when the tech specs come in the form of trading cards. I been known to buy the Japanese versions of Transformers just for the card(s) alone! Yes, I'm that crazy. Well I just wanted to share the cards with everyone today. Perhaps in the future I'll do a review for Piranacon for my other blog, but for the mean time enjoy the scans of the tech spec cards.
It's hard to tell from the scans, but in the upper right corner of each card is purple foil with the words "G1 Commemorative". Too bad all of Hasbro's TF product doesn't come w/ tech spec cards as these are very nicely done.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Bleak Times Ahead...
A month or so ago I posted some not so good news that was work related. I was offered lots of prayers and encouraging words (and even some free cards) from the masses and I really appreciated all of it. This is an update of sorts and I'm posting this as it will have a direct effect on my blogging habbits.
My company sold off several locations to a competitor and my location was one of those. For the last month or so I've been in the dark whether or not I would be retained by the new company and if I was what my salary would be. Good news I was offered a management position within the new company. Bad news is the pay is roughly $14K less. It doesn't get any better either when it comes to the insurance. The new company self insured meaning I'm unable to add my daughter or pregnant wife to my insurance. Thanks to the new health care law I'm also unable to get a separate individual policy for my daughter.
Add all this up and you can see how my family and I will be hurting in the coming months. There is a lot at stake here and right now I don't know how deep the cuts we'll have to make will go. Right off the bat I know that I won't be able to buy and trade baseball cards near as much - nor will I be able to enjoy many of my other hobbies either. I'm not saying I'm going away completely as I still have LOTS I can do w/ my blog that doesn't require much $ - however I may not be able to host group breaks and the like going forward. Maybe Santa will bring me some boxes or packs of cards later this week and I can s-l-o-w-l-y open them while I'm poor to feed my cardboard fix!
I'm not giving up hope, it's just hard to be optimistic right now. The timing of this is also really crummy. To get notified not even a full week before Christmas that all of these changes are happening fast (Dec. 28th to be exact) makes it even more difficult. I've updated my resume and I'll start firing it out to wherever I can in the coming days. After that all I can do is pray and hope for the best.
I'm not asking for anything other than your prayers for myself and my family. I know I'm not the only one struggling out there and I know others have it far worse than me. I'm very thankful for what I have, what I've been given and I do have faith that things will improve - I'm just unsure of when things will finally take a turn for the better.
My company sold off several locations to a competitor and my location was one of those. For the last month or so I've been in the dark whether or not I would be retained by the new company and if I was what my salary would be. Good news I was offered a management position within the new company. Bad news is the pay is roughly $14K less. It doesn't get any better either when it comes to the insurance. The new company self insured meaning I'm unable to add my daughter or pregnant wife to my insurance. Thanks to the new health care law I'm also unable to get a separate individual policy for my daughter.
Add all this up and you can see how my family and I will be hurting in the coming months. There is a lot at stake here and right now I don't know how deep the cuts we'll have to make will go. Right off the bat I know that I won't be able to buy and trade baseball cards near as much - nor will I be able to enjoy many of my other hobbies either. I'm not saying I'm going away completely as I still have LOTS I can do w/ my blog that doesn't require much $ - however I may not be able to host group breaks and the like going forward. Maybe Santa will bring me some boxes or packs of cards later this week and I can s-l-o-w-l-y open them while I'm poor to feed my cardboard fix!
I'm not giving up hope, it's just hard to be optimistic right now. The timing of this is also really crummy. To get notified not even a full week before Christmas that all of these changes are happening fast (Dec. 28th to be exact) makes it even more difficult. I've updated my resume and I'll start firing it out to wherever I can in the coming days. After that all I can do is pray and hope for the best.
I'm not asking for anything other than your prayers for myself and my family. I know I'm not the only one struggling out there and I know others have it far worse than me. I'm very thankful for what I have, what I've been given and I do have faith that things will improve - I'm just unsure of when things will finally take a turn for the better.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Secret Santa Delivers!
A few weeks ago I noticed that the blog (and fellow Braves fan) A Rookie (baseball) Card Collector was hosting a Secret Santa program. I've participated in similar programs in past years on the HISS Tank G.I. Joe forums and it was a lot of fun - so I threw my hat in. Well today I got a little present from my Secret Santa and I couldn't be happier!
To put it mildly I had a traumatic day w/ a family emergency (that turned out well) so not only was I relieved when I got home I was happy to see the large bubble mailer in the mail box. I did receive a few questions from my Secret Santa regarding what I collect and which teams I follow. I listed the Braves (of course!) along w/ the Carolina Panthers and a few particular players. I had no idea what I would get and it really didn't matter. I may not get any cards for Christmas from my family so it was nice that someone went out of their way to find something I like. And let me go on record and say my Santa did a FANTASTIC job! What did I get you may be wondering?
To put it mildly I had a traumatic day w/ a family emergency (that turned out well) so not only was I relieved when I got home I was happy to see the large bubble mailer in the mail box. I did receive a few questions from my Secret Santa regarding what I collect and which teams I follow. I listed the Braves (of course!) along w/ the Carolina Panthers and a few particular players. I had no idea what I would get and it really didn't matter. I may not get any cards for Christmas from my family so it was nice that someone went out of their way to find something I like. And let me go on record and say my Santa did a FANTASTIC job! What did I get you may be wondering?
My nephew will be the recipient of this card. Until he is older to enjoy it I'm sure my brother-in-law will like it. His parents gave him the middle name of Fenway after all!
I love these National Chicle relic cards. I picked up the Dale Murphy bat relic earlier this year, but never got around to Chipper.
I was really tempted to pick up one of these boxes @ Target that had this Chrome Refractor RC and another behind it. Glad I waited now!
The card in that value box of 2010 Topps football that I really wanted. Now it seems if the Panthers continue their abysmal season without another win Andrew Luck will be the next Panthers QB. Sorry Clausen - I think you deserve another shot.
Another rookie Panthers QB. I've picked up several (cheap) Pike autograph RCs, but not many base RCs so this is perfect. Shiny too!
Yet another Panthers rookie QB - however they are trying to convert him to a WR or a return man. So far it ain't lookin' pretty, but the guy does have talent. It's just hard for anyone to stand out on a destined 1-15 team!
...and the crown jewel so the speak of the package! This dual relic comes from 2010 Panini Absolute (which I haven't bought any of this year) and is numbered 32/50!
I can't think my Secret Santa enough. He was very gracious w/ his gifts and made excellent choices. He did reveal himself to me and gave me his e-mail so you can bet he'll be getting an e-mail from me thanking him up and down!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Trade List - Basketball
Monday, December 13, 2010
I don't usually watch football unless its the home town team or unless it has implications to my fantasy football team. For some reason however I did watch the Jets vs. Dolphins game yesterday and I couldn't believe when I saw the guy on the Jets sideline trip Dolphins player Nolan Carroll. Actions such as this just don't belong in any sport - whether it's professional or not. That guy is a slime ball for sticking his knee out as such.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The J-Hey Kid Signs w/ Cardboard Collections
...well, not really - but I did (finally) land a very sweet 2010 Topps Chrome autographed RC!
Also in the autograph department I also picked up this 2010 Topps Prime RC auto of Panthers QB Tony Pike. Not sure why I continue to post Panther cards since they are on their way to their 2nd 1-15 season!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Blowout Cards' 12 Days of Christmas
I got this e-mail yesterday stating that Blowout Cards would be doing a 12 days of Christmas sale featuring nice one day discounts on a variety of product over the next 12 days. I didn't see anything that stood out yesterday, but today I noticed a hobby box of the new 2010 Topps Prime is only $64.95!
For you baseball collectors you can also get a hobby box of 2010 Topps 206 for only $39.95
If I weren't nearly tapped out from Christmas shopping I would really be tempted by that box of Prime football. Oh well, guess I'll have to settle for the retail rack packs and the generosity of fellow bloggers/traders!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Kirby Puckett Collection
My Puckett collection needs more cards! If you have something not on this list please let me know and perhaps we can work a trade.
UPDATED 02/02/11
85 Topps #536
86 Donruss #19
86 Topps #329
87 Donruss #149
87 Fleer #549
87 Fleer League Leaders #36
87 Topps #450
87 Topps #611
87 Topps All-Star Commemorative Set #19
87 Topps M&M’s Star Lineup #15
88 Donruss #368
88 Donruss MVP #BC-15
88 Fleer Baseball’s League Leaders #30
88 Score #653
88 Topps #120
88 Topps #391
89 Donruss #23
89 Donruss #130
89 Donruss #182
89 Donruss MVP #BC-1
89 Fleer #124
89 Score #11
89 Topps #403
90 Bowman #424
90 Donruss #269
90 Donruss #683
90 Fleer #383
90 Fleer All-Star #7
90 Score #690
90 Topps #391
90 Topps #700
91 Fleer Provisions #1
91 Leaf #208
91 Score #855
91 Score #891
91 Topps #300
91 Upper Deck #544
92 Diet-Pepsi Collector Series #27
92 Donruss #617
92 Fleer All-Stars #22
92 Pinnacle #20
92 Score #7
92 Score #796
92 Score Procter & Gamble #6
92 Studio #209
92 Topps #575
92 Topps Black Gold #40
92 Topps Kids #109
92 Topps McDonald’s #19
92 Topps Stadium Club #500
93 Bowman #325
93 Donruss MVP #MVP18
93 Donruss Triple Play #260
93 Donruss Triple Play Action Baseball #20
93 Fleer Team Leaders #1
93 Fleer Atlantic Collector’s Edition #18
93 Leaf #378
93 Leaf Heading To the Hall #9
93 Pinnacle Cooperstown Card #12
93 Score #533
93 Score Dream Team #886
93 Score Select #4
93 Studio #214
93 Topps #200
93 Topps #406
93 Topps Black Gold #40
93 Topps Stadium Club #283
93 Topps Stadium Club #597
93 Upper Deck #34
93 Upper Deck #50
93 Upper Deck #565
93 Upper Deck Future Heroes #63
93 Upper Deck Hologram #26
93 Upper Deck Collector’s Choice #319
93 Upper Deck Fun Pack #195
93 Upper Deck Fun Pack #232 (Heat Activated)
93 Upper Deck SP #7
94 Donruss #343
94 Donruss Special Edition #63
94 Donruss Triple Play #258
94 Kraft Singles Superstars #9
94 O-Pee-Chee #93
94 Pacific #365
94 Pinnacle #21
94 Score #21
94 Studio #200
94 Topps #100
94 Topps Stadium Club #359
94 Upper Deck #289
94 Upper Deck #325
94 Upper Deck Collector’s Choice #425
95 Donruss #380
95 Kraft Singles Superstars #11
95 Pinnacle #340
95 Score #237
95 Score #559
95 Score Rules #SR12
95 Topps #534
95 Topps Stadium Club #319
95 Topps Stadium Club #518
95 Upper Deck Collector’s Choice SE #230
96 Bowman #98
96 Circa #59
96 Fleer #172
96 Fleer Metal Universe #80
96 Leaf Preferred Steel #41
96 Pinnacle Denny’s Hologram #11
96 Score #52
96 Score #358
96 Topps #221
96 Topps Bazooka #24
96 Topps Chrome Master of the Game #MG15
96 Topps Laser #109
96 Upper Deck Collector’s Choice #151
97 Score All Score Team #11
97 Upper Deck Collector’s Choice the Big Show #30
98 Fleer Sports Illustrated Autumn Excellence #2AE
01 Topps Archives #85
02 Donruss Elite Passing the Torch #PT-17 (925/1000)
02 Fleer Fall Classic #23
02 Fleer Greats #96
02 Leaf Certified #49
02 Leaf Rookie & Stars #274
02 Leaf Rookie & Stars #281
02 Topps Gallery #199
02 Topps 206 #164
02 Upper Deck A Piece of History #30
02 Upper Deck World Series Heroes #71
03 Donruss Team Heroes #296
03 Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Logo Patch #P-KP1
05 Upper Deck Past Time Pennants #50
Monday, December 6, 2010
Very Grateful For...
...the generosity shown by both readers and fellow bloggers over these last few weeks. When I posted my job woes on my blog I never meant for it to bring me pity or free cards, but several people contacted me with very kind words, encouragement, prayers and yes, even free cards. I do have to admit that having this blog has helped keep my mind off the unknown. All that said I just wanted to share some of the things (in no particular order) I've received in the mail over the last couple of weeks.
Derek from Tomahawk Chopping sent me a small stack of Charlotte Bobcats & Carolina Panthers. Despite our QB woes here in the Carolinas I was happy that one of the cards included was a Topps Chrome Refractor RC of QB Jimmy Clausen. Thank you Derek!
Steve from NY sent me 49 cards of various Atlanta Braves and several cards I lacked for my player collections (Julio Franco, Brad Fullmer & David Justice). I love getting cards of the early 90's Braves team like Blauser & Lemke as it reminds me of when my dad and grandfather would take me to games. The cards are very much appreciated!
Scott from Smed's Baseball Card Blog has sent me several nice boxes of cards over the last month or so and over this weekend I got another large box chocked full of Braves, batting pitchers and other cards I needed to fill in gaps for sets I'm working on building. Just because I didn't scan any of the cards included in this box doesn't mean that they weren't good or appreciated. In fact I couldn't believe some of the cards inside. The Allen & Ginter minis (World's Biggest & Monsters of the Mesozoic) are fantastic. I can't thank Scott enough for his generosity. I'm also officially so far behind in cataloging and updating my Atlanta Braves master list now too!
Chris from The Call of Cardboard saw my pack break post a week or so ago of 1999 Pacific Private Stock and he left me a comment saying he had a few cards laying around. 8 more cards I can now knock of my want list. Thank you Chris!
Derek from Tomahawk Chopping sent me a small stack of Charlotte Bobcats & Carolina Panthers. Despite our QB woes here in the Carolinas I was happy that one of the cards included was a Topps Chrome Refractor RC of QB Jimmy Clausen. Thank you Derek!
Steve from NY sent me 49 cards of various Atlanta Braves and several cards I lacked for my player collections (Julio Franco, Brad Fullmer & David Justice). I love getting cards of the early 90's Braves team like Blauser & Lemke as it reminds me of when my dad and grandfather would take me to games. The cards are very much appreciated!
Scott from Smed's Baseball Card Blog has sent me several nice boxes of cards over the last month or so and over this weekend I got another large box chocked full of Braves, batting pitchers and other cards I needed to fill in gaps for sets I'm working on building. Just because I didn't scan any of the cards included in this box doesn't mean that they weren't good or appreciated. In fact I couldn't believe some of the cards inside. The Allen & Ginter minis (World's Biggest & Monsters of the Mesozoic) are fantastic. I can't thank Scott enough for his generosity. I'm also officially so far behind in cataloging and updating my Atlanta Braves master list now too!
Chris from The Call of Cardboard saw my pack break post a week or so ago of 1999 Pacific Private Stock and he left me a comment saying he had a few cards laying around. 8 more cards I can now knock of my want list. Thank you Chris!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Pack Break - 2010 Topps Prime (rack pack)
** This is a duplicate post - the original can be found over @ A Pack To Be Named Later. Sorry for my laziness!
To be honest I didn't know a thing about these cards before finding a sealed rack pack box @ Wal-Mart the other night. I don't follow new football card releases so I had no clue or expectations upon my purchase.
I really didn't feel like buying any more Topps Chrome or Bowman Chrome so I thought why not try something new. So let's take a look at what is inside this rack pack of 2010 Topps Prime.

I ended up with one insert - Prime Rookie of Toby Gerhart. The stated odds are 1:4 packs. This card is about 3 times the thickness of the regular base cards. I'm not all that impressed with the design, but I'm sure there will be plenty of RC collectors adding these cards to their wish list. I've seen some other very nice inserts on eBay already featuring patches, multiple jersey swatches and autographs. If you like mid to high end football cards or just appreciate great photography don't look this set over.
To be honest I didn't know a thing about these cards before finding a sealed rack pack box @ Wal-Mart the other night. I don't follow new football card releases so I had no clue or expectations upon my purchase.
I really didn't feel like buying any more Topps Chrome or Bowman Chrome so I thought why not try something new. So let's take a look at what is inside this rack pack of 2010 Topps Prime.
The rack packs contain 14 cards. Before I say anything else let me say that these cards are beautiful. They sport a nice UV glossy coat and the photography is top notch. If I didn't know better I could have thought I was holding a Stadium Club or Upper Deck card. For a set's initial release Topps has set the bar high for subsequent years - assuming they'll bring the brand back for 2011. I don't usually build football sets, but I am very tempted here. In the above photo you'll find some of the veteran cards - with the exception of one veteran card (Dwayne Bowe) that I couldn't fit on my scanner. From left to right, top to bottom:
Jason Witten, Frank Gore, Chris Johnson, Greg Jennings, Chad Henne, Jared Allen, Maurice Jones-Drew, Matt Forte
I'm not sure if any certain number of short printed rookies are guaranteed in the pack, but I ended up with 4. From left to right:
Trent Williams, Damian Williams, Dez Bryant, Rolando McClain
I ended up with one insert - Prime Rookie of Toby Gerhart. The stated odds are 1:4 packs. This card is about 3 times the thickness of the regular base cards. I'm not all that impressed with the design, but I'm sure there will be plenty of RC collectors adding these cards to their wish list. I've seen some other very nice inserts on eBay already featuring patches, multiple jersey swatches and autographs. If you like mid to high end football cards or just appreciate great photography don't look this set over.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Braves Resign Eric Hinske!
This was a move I was happy to see today. The Braves sign Hinske to a 1 year deal with an option on the 2012 season. Article on mentions he'll most likely be used as a left-handed pinch hitter with some occasional time spent in left field.
In other news the Braves sent prospect Kyle Cofield to the Chicago White Sox in return for veteran reliever Scott Linebrink to help out the Braves' bullpen. I don't know much about either player involved in the deal, but if it helps solidify the bullpen and keep close games close then I'm all for it.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
GPK Fans...Rejoice!
While browsing the recent newsletter I got from Blowout Cards this morning I happened to see a pre-order for the following:
I never was big into non-sports cards growing up, but like a many other kids I loved Garbage Pail Kids. Forget the stupid movie, the sticker cards were where it was at! I loved the flashback set released earlier this year and I had no idea they were going to make a 2nd series. The inserts seem a little better this time around. The Adam Bomb cards ought to be interesting as he is depicted in 10 different environments. 3-D GPK cards...need I say more? Sketch 'em or hate 'em these are pretty popular in all non-sports releases these days. I want to place a pre-order, but I'll have to wait and see what is left over in the wallet after we're done Christmas shopping. Good news this morning, good news indeed!
I never was big into non-sports cards growing up, but like a many other kids I loved Garbage Pail Kids. Forget the stupid movie, the sticker cards were where it was at! I loved the flashback set released earlier this year and I had no idea they were going to make a 2nd series. The inserts seem a little better this time around. The Adam Bomb cards ought to be interesting as he is depicted in 10 different environments. 3-D GPK cards...need I say more? Sketch 'em or hate 'em these are pretty popular in all non-sports releases these days. I want to place a pre-order, but I'll have to wait and see what is left over in the wallet after we're done Christmas shopping. Good news this morning, good news indeed!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
2010 Topps Chrome Refractor Variation Pack (Wrapper Redemption)
I was surprised to see a odd bubble mailer in yesterday's mail as I couldn't figure out who it was from. To be completely honest I forgot that I mailed in the 25 hobby wrappers for 2010 Topps Chrome that I won in a raffle from GA Mindset last month. I have no desire to keep any of these cards. I'd like to flip them for the Jason Heyward refractor variation if anyone has it. I'd trade all 3 for it in fact. Otherwise I'm open to offers.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday Trading Card Deals? Who Got Some?
Now that Black Friday is starting to wind down I am curious as to who found and jumped on any deals regarding to trading cards? The only thing I was able to score was a hobby box of 2008 Topps Update & Highlights for $20.00 from Blowout Cards. I'm excited though as I'm still trying to build this set (though I just started). I wanted to get out there in the crowds and mix it up, but whatever illness my wife and daughter had they so graciously shared it w/ me! So all 3 of us have been trapped in the house all day.
Free Cards* Have Been Sorted - S&H Due
If you claimed a team or teams in my free cards deal a few bucks to cover shipping is now due. Several of the teams got a hit (well, what you could call in a hit in 1993 & 1994) and most teams if not all at least got some parallels. Surprisingly the Cubs ended up w/ the biggest stack. Please look below for your total due. Make sure you send me your mailing address as I don't have everyones. You can send the funds via PayPal marked as a 'gift' to: I appreciate everyone helping take these extra cards off my hands!
BA Benny (Giants, White Sox) - $5.00 (covers a stack I already had)
Derek (Mariners) - $1.50
...Joe (Rockies) - $1.50
Justin (Cubs) - $2.00
PhaLe28 (Expos, Marlins, Padres) - $2.50
RGB Cards (Reds) - $2.00
smedcards (A's, Brewers, Royals, Twins) - $2.50
BA Benny (Giants, White Sox) - $5.00 (covers a stack I already had)
Derek (Mariners) - $1.50
...Joe (Rockies) - $1.50
Justin (Cubs) - $2.00
PhaLe28 (Expos, Marlins, Padres) - $2.50
RGB Cards (Reds) - $2.00
smedcards (A's, Brewers, Royals, Twins) - $2.50
strangini (Pirates) - $1.50
ThingsareFunnerHere (Phillies) - $1.50
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Free Cards Update
Interest seems to be waning a bit with my offer of free cards so if you have claimed a team already and want one or two more teams please go ahead and leave a comment with that team(s). All the packs have been opened so now it's just a matter of sorting the cards for the teams claimed.
See the original post HERE for more details including teams still available.
See the original post HERE for more details including teams still available.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Pack Break - 1999 Pacific Private Stock
I posted a pack of 1999 Pacific Private Stock over @ A Pack To Be Named Later earlier today and I had so much fun I wanted to post a follow up pack.
#146 Devon White
#39 Javier Lopez - I almost skipped right past this card in the pack. Had it not been a Braves player I may not have noticed the Platinum stamp on the right side of the card. Much to my surprise when I flipped the card over I noticed it was serially numbered 001/199! Awesome!

#72 Jeff Cirillo - PS-206 mini - The one per pack mini was rather lack luster, but since I plan on chasing these minis I'll need the card. Next.

#72 Jeff Cirillo - PS-206 mini - The one per pack mini was rather lack luster, but since I plan on chasing these minis I'll need the card. Next.
#6 Ken Griffey Jr. - Not a bad way to end a pack and overall it ended up being a great pack.
While I only had 8 packs to open I enjoyed every last minute of it. I'll be adding a link in the side bar of the cards I have as I plan to build both the base set and the PS-206 mini set. Any help w/ this task will be greatly appreciated!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Free Cards*
A few months back I was told I would be given a large box of random baseball cards and I announced I would give them away for free. Well I was a little premature with the announcement as the deal never happened. So I wanted to try something a little different.
With the hard time I've been going through I decided to open up a couple of boxes of baseball cards I got in a lot on eBay. One box will probably end up in a future group break, but the others I went ahead and opened since I wasn't sure if there would be any real interest if I were to include them in a break. So what I'm proposing to everyone is a free group break of sorts.
I'm in the process of opening a box of 1993 Topps Stadium Club Series 2 and a box of 1994 Donruss Series 2. I'm holding the Braves out that I need as well as a few other teams for people that I normally trade with. This still leaves me with a lot of teams/cards that I don't need or want so I'm giving them away for free*! That little * means I am asking for a small fee to cover shipping so I'm not totally out of $. If you are interested leave me a comment letting me know which team you prefer. To try and make it fair I'm asking that you claim only one team right now. You let me know in your comment what other teams you may want. If after a few days a team you want isn't claimed then I'll award additional teams. After the boxes have been opened and I've determined how many cards there are per team I'll contact each of you asking for a few dollars to cover shipping. Sound fair? Here are the teams available:
California Angels
Chicago Cubs - Justin
Chicago White Sox - BA Benny
Cincinnati Reds - RGB Cards
Colorado Rockies - ...Joe
Florida Marlins - PhaLe28
Kansas City Royals - smedcards
Milwaukee Brewers - smedcards
Minnesota Twins - smedcards
Montreal Expos - PhaLe28
Oakland Athletics - smedcards
With the hard time I've been going through I decided to open up a couple of boxes of baseball cards I got in a lot on eBay. One box will probably end up in a future group break, but the others I went ahead and opened since I wasn't sure if there would be any real interest if I were to include them in a break. So what I'm proposing to everyone is a free group break of sorts.
I'm in the process of opening a box of 1993 Topps Stadium Club Series 2 and a box of 1994 Donruss Series 2. I'm holding the Braves out that I need as well as a few other teams for people that I normally trade with. This still leaves me with a lot of teams/cards that I don't need or want so I'm giving them away for free*! That little * means I am asking for a small fee to cover shipping so I'm not totally out of $. If you are interested leave me a comment letting me know which team you prefer. To try and make it fair I'm asking that you claim only one team right now. You let me know in your comment what other teams you may want. If after a few days a team you want isn't claimed then I'll award additional teams. After the boxes have been opened and I've determined how many cards there are per team I'll contact each of you asking for a few dollars to cover shipping. Sound fair? Here are the teams available:
California Angels
Chicago Cubs - Justin
Chicago White Sox - BA Benny
Cincinnati Reds - RGB Cards
Colorado Rockies - ...Joe
Florida Marlins - PhaLe28
Kansas City Royals - smedcards
Milwaukee Brewers - smedcards
Minnesota Twins - smedcards
Montreal Expos - PhaLe28
Oakland Athletics - smedcards
Philadelphia Phillies - ThingsareFunnerHere
Pittsburg Pirates - strangini
San Diego Padres - PhaLe28
San Francisco Giants - BA Benny
Seattle Mariners - Derek
Completed Trades
You know - getting a package of new cards in the mail when you're going through a rough time really helps to take your mind off of reality and that happened to me this weekend. I wanted to take a few seconds and thank both Mike @ BA Benny's Baseball Card Buffet and Jimmy @ prophet got it... for taking the time to work a trade and send me a few things.
I had been saving up some NY Mets and a few Yankees cards to send to Mike and in return he sent me a stack of Braves that I didn't have. To my surprise 2 of these cards were relics!
These cards were unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Thanks again Mike!
Jimmy Le sent me a nice little stack of both Braves and Carolina Panthers cards for each of my respective collections. With the horrible season the Panthers are having one might think I wouldn't want any cards, but despite the set backs and nightmare of a win-loss record I'm always glad to get new cards that I don't have. The Braves cards he sent me were a nice mix of old and new. My favorite card in the stack however had to be this Topps Woolworth card of Dale Murphy. I love the oddball cards such as these, especially when I've never even heard or seen the card before. Thanks Jimmy!
I had been saving up some NY Mets and a few Yankees cards to send to Mike and in return he sent me a stack of Braves that I didn't have. To my surprise 2 of these cards were relics!
These cards were unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Thanks again Mike!
Jimmy Le sent me a nice little stack of both Braves and Carolina Panthers cards for each of my respective collections. With the horrible season the Panthers are having one might think I wouldn't want any cards, but despite the set backs and nightmare of a win-loss record I'm always glad to get new cards that I don't have. The Braves cards he sent me were a nice mix of old and new. My favorite card in the stack however had to be this Topps Woolworth card of Dale Murphy. I love the oddball cards such as these, especially when I've never even heard or seen the card before. Thanks Jimmy!
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