Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August Group Break - The Votes Are In! Payments Now Due!

Alright, it seems like the majority of people interested in participating all voted for option #4.  I'd like to have these boxes ordered by Friday, 8/20/2010.  Remember each team this round is $7.00 + shipping.

Option 4 should yield a lot of cards for each team claimed so I'm setting postage at $4.00 for each team claimed + $1.00 for each additional team.  Depending on the outcome of each team's stack cards may be mailed in small boxes versus bubble mailers or over sized envelopes.

If you claimed a team or teams please remit the payment ASAP.  PayPal is accepted at colbeykatie@comporium.net  If you need to pay by mail please let me know right away so we can settle up.  Please leave a note with your payment of your blog's name or screen name, what team(s) you are claiming and your snail mail address.  Please be sure to mark your payment as a GIFT in PayPal!

Here is the post with the rest of the information if you still want to join up.  Plenty of teams are still available so claim your favorite(s) and tell your friends and fellow readers.


  1. Payment sent! Here's hoping for some new Barry Larkin cards!

  2. The virtual check is in the virtual mail. Let's see some Twins, dude!

  3. Hey, can I claim the Cubs, the A's and the Expos / Nats? How much would that be? Email me at smedindy@gmail.com

  4. Email headed your way smedmusic!
