Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Verse - Music Video Edition "Jesus Is For Losers"

While working on my blog this evening I pulled up Media Player and hit random.  A few songs in Steve Taylor's "Jesus is for Losers" from the awesome Squint album came up.  I remember when this song first was released and some of the controversy it caused.  Take a moment to watch the video (which from a productional stand point is very good) and listen to the lyrics.  Steve Taylor is a great song writer and this song is no exception.  If you want a copy of the lyrics I'm sure a Google search would bring them up.

Feel free to comment if you like what you hear/see or if you have any questions.  From this Loser, have a great Sunday everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Love this album! Bought the VHS video collection! Saw the tour (in Charleston, S.C. of all places).

    Thanks for posting this.
