Tuesday, August 9, 2011

2011 Topps Marquee Group Break Update

I'm in the process of trying to acquire a webcam for my laptop as I'd like to do the Marquee group break later this month live via Ustream.  I would assume this is the method most of you participating would prefer.  I've already established an account and set up a channel.  I'll post reminders as well as a link when we get a little closer.  I hope I can get all of this figured out in time.  If anyone has used Ustream before and has any pointers to pass along I would appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. When we did Bowman platinum, we kind of just learned on the fly. The good news is that it's a relatively intuitive system. The toughest part was figuring out the difference between the social feed and chat and how to navigate that.
    Once you have your webcam on your computer, the site should be able to pick up on it and then you click broadcast when you're ready and also record if you want to keep it for later. Then stop both when you're done. It should be just that easy!
