Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yardsellr finds

A few weeks before I left for vacation a Facebook friend invited me to join Yardsellr.  I hadn't heard of the site at the time so I checked it out and ended up joining.  After doing so I kept getting several e-mails where so & so joined and I won Photons or a friend gifted me Photons.  Photons are basically Yardsellr currency from what I can tell.  I still don't have the whole site figured out, but I did find a few cards that peaked my interest.

This Tim Hudson game-used hat card was the crown jewel of my finds.  It comes from the 2003 UD Vintage set and is serially numbered #156/250.  The seller was asking $6 shipped which in itself seemed like a fair offer.  I figured the same card on eBay would typically sell for more.  While mulling over the price I noticed I could use all of these Photons I had ticking down in my account and only have to pay a small handling fee.  Sold!  I ended up paying less than a dollar I believe for this awesome card of Huddy!

The seller I got the Hudson card from also had these Chipper Jones 2001 Topps HD 20 20 card.  I was able to exchange a few more Photons for this card too!  I'm a sucker for die-cut cards and I have always been intrigued by the Topps HD sets so this one was a no brainer to pick up.

The last card of the haul is this Chipper Jones 2002 Fleer Focus Jersey Edition Materialistic insert.  The center of the card is some sort of cloth.  I can't say I've ever seen this card before and the seller was only asking a buck or two.  I wasn't able to use any Photons for this transaction, but it still was a good deal.

Since I acquired these cards I've looked at the Yardsellr site a few more times, but nothing else has popped...well at least things that I can exchange my Photons for.  My collecting budget is ever shrinking so I have to wait until I can find great deals like these.  My question to everyone is have you bought (or sold) any cards on Yardsellr yet?  If so sound off.  I want to hear about your experiences/deals.

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